Nuxt Packages
A Nuxt module that adds Animate On Scroll
Auto AnimateAutomatic animations for your Nuxt app with a single line of code
Bootstrap IconsJust a simple integration for Bootstrap Icons
Color ModeDark and Light mode for Nuxt with auto detection
dayjsDay.js module for Nuxt
DevicesDevice detection module for Nuxt
Google FontsGoogle Fonts module for Nuxt
Headless UIHeadless UI integration for Nuxt. Completely unstyled, fully accessible UI components, designed to integrate beautifully with Tailwind CSS
i18ni18n features for your Nuxt project so you can easily add internationalization.
ImageOptimised images for Nuxt, with progressive processing, lazy-loading, real-time resizes and providers support.
MarqueeA lightweight Nuxt 3 module that harnesses the power of CSS animations to create silky smooth marquees.
Nuxt IconIcon module for Nuxt with 100,000+ ready to use icons from Iconify
Nuxt IconsUse your own automatically imported SVG icons
PiniaThe Vue Store that you will enjoy using
SnackbarNuxt Snackbar module using vue3-snackbar
SwiperNuxt module for Swiper.js - Most modern mobile touch slider with hardware accelerated transitions.
Tailwind CSSAdd Tailwind CSS to your Nuxt application in seconds with PurgeCSS included for minimal CSS
UnoCSSThe instant on-demand atomic CSS engine
VCalendarVCalendar module for Nuxt
vee-validatePainless Vue forms for Nuxt
Vite PWAZero-config PWA Plugin for Nuxt
VueUseCollection of Essential Vue Composition Utilities