Vite PWA

Vite PWA

Zero-config PWA Plugin for Nuxt


npm i @vite-pwa/nuxt -D


Add the following lines to the modules section of nuxt.config.{ts,js}

modules: ['@vite-pwa/nuxt']
pwa: {
  registerType: 'autoUpdate',
  manifest: {
    name: 'Project Name',
    short_name: 'Project Name',
    icons: [
        src: '/images/pwa/192x192.png',
        sizes: '192x192',
        type: 'image/png',
        purpose: 'any'
        src: '/images/pwa/512x512.png',
        sizes: '512x512',
        type: 'image/png',
        purpose: 'any'
        src: '/images/pwa/maskable-192x192.png',
        sizes: '192x192',
        type: 'image/png',
        purpose: 'maskable'
        src: '/images/pwa/maskable-512x512.png',
        sizes: '512x512',
        type: 'image/png',
        purpose: 'maskable'
    start_url: '/',
    display: 'fullscreen',
    background_color: '#020420',
    theme_color: '#00DC82',
    description: 'Description',
  includeAssets: [
  workbox: {
    navigateFallback: '/',
  devOptions: {
    enabled: true,
Add the following component to the app.vue file

  <NuxtPwaManifest />
Make sure the icons are in the public directory & the src values are correct in the manifest. That's it your project is now installable!